Tuesday 30 December 2014

Complaint and Reply

From      : Syahid
To           : ASUS Corp
Subject  : Wrong Delivery

Dear Sirs,
On 1st December I ordered an ASUS laptop. The series is Eee PC Seashell.
On opening the package received this morning, I found that the laptop’s series is different from what I ordered. Eaa PC Skyshell is written on package. I regret that I cannot keep this laptop because it has a Linux Operating System. I do not understand how to use it.
Please send me a correct series as soon as possible because I have a deadline to finish my assignment.

Yours faithfully

From      : Bayu (General Manager of ASUS Corp)
To           : Mr. Syahid
Subject  : Reply of complaint letter

Dear Mr. Syahid,
We are very sorry to find that our service was not satisfied you.
This problem is entirely our own, and we apologize to disturb your schedule. This happened because our staff was really busy at the day you ordered the laptop.
ASUS Eee PC Seashell Laptop will be sent to your address after you send ASUS Eaa PC Skyshell Laptop back to our company.
Our apologize again for this mistake.

Yours sincerely

From      : Bayu
To           : PT. Zona Boutique
Subject  : Shortage in delivery

Dear Sirs,

I have ordered 12 packs consist of 12 clothes of new modeled Solo Batik on your boutique which I ordered by phone on February 7. I received the order on February 10.  When I received those packs of Batik, there was one packs missing. I only got 11 packs of 12 packs that I ordered.

To resolve that problem, I would like you to send me one pack of modeled Solo Batik like I ordered before. Or if the pack of modeled Solo Batik which I ordered had been ordered by somebody else, I hope you give me back the money for the amount charge of the Solo Batik pack.

Yours faithfully

From      : Syahid (Executive Manager of Zona Boutique)
To           : Mr. Bayu
Subject  : Reply of complaint letter

Dear Mr. Bayu,

You've ordered 12 packs consist of 12 new outfits modeled on Solo Batik Boutique by phone on February 7. You received the order on February 10. When you accept all of the packets, there is a missing package.
We admit that an error in the calculation of clothes that we send to you.
To overcome the problem, we will send you a pack of Solo Batik  modeled as you book in advance.

Yours sincerely

From      : Bayu
To           : Gibol.inc
Subject  : Damaged jersey

Dear Sirs,

I have booked a Sriwijaya FC jersey from your website on June 21. I received the order on June 26. Unfortunately, when I opened it, I saw that the jersey was used. The jersey was really dirty and there was a big spot on it.
To resolve the problem, I would like you to credit my account for the amount charged for my jersey. I have already went out and bought a new pair of jersey at my local sporting goods store.

Your faithfully

From      : Syahid (Marketing Manager of Gibol.inc)
To           : Mr. Bayu
Subject  : Reply of complaint letter

Dear Mr.Bayu,

Thank you for taking time to contact Gibol.inc to explain the issues that have occurred recently. We regret any inconvenience you have experienced, and we assure you that we are afraid to retain you as a satisfied customer.
We will return all of your money without paying tax and you will get a free jersey if you order our goods this week.
We apologize for our mistake and thank you for your criticism and your notification. All that we will use as a trigger to produce a better product. We promise, as much as possible this incident is the first and last resort for us.

Your sincerely

From      : Syahid
To           : CupCup.Tbk
Subject  : Late delivery

Dear Sirs,

We inform you that our order goods do not arrive within the agreed time.
In your letter No. 13 dated December 5, the order items will arrive on December 7, In fact, our order items are newly arrived on December 10, means that the delivery of our luggage was delayed 3 days from the date specified in your letter.
This delay certainly have a major impact for our company because our customers expressed to divert its cooperation with other companies. Problem like this is a big loss for us.
Of course, this does not delay as we expect repeated in the future because if you can not keep the agreement again then with a heavy heart we had to find another company as our business partners.     

Your faithfully

From      : Bayu (Owner of CupCup.Tbk)
To           : Mr. Syahid
Subject  : Reply of complaint letter

Dear Mr.Syahid,

In response to the complaint about the delay in delivery of the goods you order, we can explain that you ordered items on dated 5 December and received on dated 10 December while we promise you ordered items arrive in 2 days but have experienced delays that happen because of our delivery service use is experiencing overload so that your ordered items has been delayed.
We apologize for our mistake and thank you for your criticism and notifications. We will pursue our next shipment on time.

Your sincerely

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