Tuesday 30 December 2014

Simple Past Passive

         The simple past passive is a verb form in English that expresses discrete, completed, noncontinuous actions or events in the past while moving an object from an active sentence into the subject position.

1. Formation of the Simple Past Passive
            As with most other conjugated verbs in the English language, the simple past passive is a periphrastic verb phrase, which means that "a phrase of two or more words performs a single grammatical function that would otherwise be expressed by the inflection of a single word." Verbs in the simple past passive are formed by the past tense form of the verb be plus a past participle. Note that only transitive verbs (verbs that can take direct objects and may take indirect objects) may be conjugated in the passive voice. The verb phrase patterns for the simple past passive are as follows:

¨      First person singular – was + past participle
      I was called into an emergency meeting.
¨      Second person singular – were + past participle
      You were invited to the party.
¨      Third person singular – was + past participle
      The tree was scorched by lightning.

¨      First person plural – were + past participle
      We were hated for our opinion.
¨      Second person plural – were + past participle
      You were described as misfits.
¨      Third person plural – were + past participle
      Many sad stories were reported by the evening news.

            Some Englishes also allow for the simple past passive to be formed by the past tense form of the verb get plus a past participle in declarative sentences. The use of get as a passive auxiliary requires the addition of the do operator in interrogative sentences. The verb phrase patterns for the simple past passive with the auxiliary verb get are as follows:

¨      First person singular – got + past participle
      I got attacked by Japanese lady beetles.
¨      Second person singular – got + past participle
      Did you get examined by a doctor?
¨      Third person singular – got + past participle
      The dress got damaged in the wash.

¨      First person plural – got + past participle
      We got shaken by the earthquake.
¨      Second person plural – got + past participle
      You got dealt a bad hand.
¨      Third person plural – got + past participle
      Your clothes got washed this afternoon.

Notice that the past tense of the verb be is irregular in all persons and numbers but that the past tense of the verb get is identical in all persons and numbers.

2. Uses of the Simple Past Passive
            Like the simple past in the active voice, the simple past passive expresses a discrete, completed, noncontinuous action or event in the past. Also like the simple past active, the simple past passive occurs most often in sentences that

  1. Express discrete actions in the past,
  2. Describe past habits and routines,
  3. State past general facts and truths,
  4. Express past thoughts and feelings, and
  5. Express noncontinuous duration in the past, for example:

  1. The appetizers were eaten before the party.
  2. The door was unlocked every morning by the janitor.
  3. The elderly man was loved by all his neighbors.
  4. Our floors were scrubbed every Wednesday.

            Just as with the difference between the simple present active and the simple present passive, the main grammatical and semantic difference between the simple past in the active voice and the simple past in the passive voice is that the simple past passive allows an object of an active sentence to appear in the subject position. For example, the use of the active voice in Dinosaurs roamed the world means that the subject is the noun phrase Dinosaurs and the direct object is the noun phrase the world. By changing the same sentence into the passive voice—The world was roamed by dinosaurs—the original direct object the world moves into the subject position. By using the passive voice, a speaker can emphasize an object from an active sentence and/or de-emphasize the subject from an active sentence.

Passive Voice – Simple Past

Object + was/were + Verb 3 + by + Subject

Object + was/were + Verb 3+ by + Subject

Was/Were + Object + Verb 3+ by + Subject + ?

Using the “BY-PHRASE”

            The “by-phrase” is used in passive sentence when it is important to know who performs an action. For example :
¨      This sweater as made by my aunt
      by my aunt is important information

      Usually there is no “by-phrase” in a passive sentence. The passive is used when it is not known or not imp[ortant to know exactly who performs an action.

¨      That sweater was made in Korea
      The exact person (or people) who made the sweater is not known and is not important to know, so there is no “by-phrase” in the passive sentence.

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